Quick Terrain Modeler v8.4.1 Now Available!

Quick Terrain Modeler Version 8.4.1- Introducing GA3D™!

Applied Imagery is pleased to announce the release of QT Modeler v8.4.1, which enables users to enhance their Geospatial products in a new and exciting way, which we call Geospatial Augmented 3D™ (GA3D™). 


For years, users have combined all their geospatial products in QTM (point clouds, DSM/DTMs, imagery, vectors, points), availing themselves of the benefits that the inherent resolution and accuracy of these products delivers. But now users will be able to build on those products and create their own augmented 3D scenes – limited only by your imagination. What does this mean exactly? GA3D™ enables: 


  • Correction: In cases where you know a DSM is misrepresenting a spatial situation due to inherent limitations of triangulation/surface creation methodologies, (e.g., fences, trees, powerlines), use QTM’s editing tools to smooth or flatten those areas, then use the new QTM OBJ library to insert a 3D object that is more accurate – an actual fence, tree, or powerline. These objects can easily be scaled to the exact dimensions of the actual object. See power lines in the image below.
  • Enhancement: Transient objects such as vehicles and aircraft can be added to the scene to enhance situational awareness and represent a situation as-is. See the helicopter in the image below. 
  • Simulation: In cases where you want to simulate something that may just be in the planning stages (e.g., a new base camp, housing subdivision), GA3D™ enables adding tents, buildings, fences, towers and other structures that represent the new configuration, which, in turn, facilitates a variety of analyses and subsequent decision making. 

GA3D™ is enabled by QTM’s support of OBJ 3D mesh files in two distinct implementations: First as a new type of 3D model – just like point clouds and surface models, and second as an attachment to a marker (e.g., an OBJ helicopter model that can be moved around the 3D scene, just like markers). QTM v8.4.1 will include a built-in library of 3D OBJ files (aircraft, vehicles, infrastructure, etc.), but users can create and import their own OBJ models (e.g., in Blender), or import OBJ models from a wide variety of online sources. 


In addition to GA3D™, QTM v8.4.1 also adds a 3D model georegistration tool, upgrades to markers, enhancements to flight route planning, a more comprehensive GRG creation tool, route timing analysis enhancements, new movie creation capabilities, and much more. Read on for details!


GA3D™: OBJ files of helicopter and powerlines attached to markers on top of 1m LiDAR DSM. OBJ markers can be moved, reoriented, and/or given an Above Ground Level (AGL) value to make it “fly” above the terrain.

GA3D™: Precision 3D Data + OBJ Files = The Best of Both Worlds:

QT Modeler v8.4.1 implements OBJ mesh model support two ways:


  1. As a Model: Prior to v8.4.1, QTM supported two types of 3D model: Point Cloud (LAS/LAZ files) and Surface Models (DSM, DEM, DTED, etc.). Now QTM can import 3D mesh models in OBJ format, which opens exciting possibilities of fusion of different types of 3D data – and registering it together.
  2. As a Marker: The marker implementation of OBJ files enables the placement of 3D objects in the scene, thus expanding QTM’s capabilities into the realm of simulation. For example, users can calculate suitable helicopter landing zones (HLZ), then place a properly scaled 3D model of a helicopter, along with potential obstructions near the HLZ or along the approach (see image above and below). In addition, these 3D models will cast shadows for Line of Sight and substitute for a plain marker pin in the Travel Route Analysis tool and Vector Line of Sight. The increase in realism can be shocking. While QTM will incorporate a library of OBJ files, users can create and import their own, with unlimited possibilities.
GA3D™: 3D OBJ files of Toyota 4Runner, stop sign, man, tower, trees, chain link fence, and street light on top of 1m LiDAR DSM with 30cm color imagery (texture). QTM v8.4.1 will bundle all these 3D objects (and more!) in a 3D library, but users can also insert their own 3D OBJ files.

Marker Enhancements:

Markers have evolved to be much more than a simple push pin that marks a position. In addition to a 3D location, QTM’s markers have the following optional attachments and attributes, which are visible in the new Edit Marker window:

  • Sensor: Use as the basis for Line of Sight Calculations
  • Object: 3D OBJ file such as aircraft or vehicles that can be dragged/rotated around the scene as you move the marker. See helicopter in the image below.
  • Threat Dome: Up to three concentric translucent spheres centered on the marker and at specific distances. See image above.
  • Sensor Cone: Fully adjustable cone centered on the marker that can be configured and will illustrate sensor coverage from a specific point (the marker).
  • Orientation: QTM markers now have a specific orientation and can be rotated by K + Right Click/drag (just like vectors are rotated). Objects, Sensors, and Sensor Cones will rotate with the rotating marker.
QTM’s new Edit Marker window displays the objects/tools that can be attached to a marker: Sensor, 3D Object, Threat Domes, Sensor Cone, Above Ground Level (AGL), and orientation.

3D Georegistration Tool:

You can now right-click on a mesh, point cloud, or surface model in the layer tree to Georegister it. Simply establish anchor markers on the georegistered model, drag “ghost” markers that correlate each marker to the unregistered model (K +CTRL Drag), calculate the fit, and apply the transformation – which can be applied as either a 2D (horizontal only) or 3D (XYZ, roll, pitch, heading) adjustment.
Georegistering an unregistered mesh model by manually placing and correlating anchor points.

Reworked Threat Domes:

Threat domes have been enhanced to include up to 3 concentric domes, each with an individually set size, color and transparency.
QTM’s new threat dome tool enables 3 concentric threat domes with independent color and transparency controls – all centered on a marker.

Enhanced Movie Creation – Third Person View Tools:

QTM’s movie creation tools have been enhanced to capture many more items in the 3D view – including Vector Line of Sight, Virtual Line of Sight, and 3D OBJ mesh models attached to markers. One of the many benefits is the ability to attach an OBJ aircraft model to the Travel Route Analysis Tool (TRAT), establish a flight route Above Ground Level (AGL), set it in motion in the TRAT playback tool. Then manipulate the 3D scene, capturing a “third person” perspective movie. Then export to MP4 or other movie formats.

Capturing a “third person” perspective movie as a UH-60 OBJ mesh model flies down the route while also displaying vector line of sight (i.e., visibility to known positions on the ground).

Better Flight Route Planning Tools:

QTM’s Flight Surfaces/Bounding Boxes (FSBB) tool now enables independent heading offsets for the approach and departure surfaces (they used to be fixed 180 degrees apart from each other). This enables very flexible screening for flight obstructions. In addition, users can calculate and mark Top of Descent (TOD) and Top of Climb (TOC) once approach and departure settings are finalized.

QTM’s upgraded flight surface tool enables independent orientations for approach and departure surfaces (3D planes that highlight obstructions to flight on the approach/departure) as well as calculation and annotation of Top of Descent (TOD) and Top of Climb (TOC).

Quick Terrain Modeler v8.4.0 is Available!

What’s New for Quick Terrain Modeler Version 8.4.0

Applied Imagery is pleased to announce the release of QT Modeler v8.4.0, which solves one of our users’ biggest problems:  access to geospatial data.  Our revolutionary new QT Data Explorer enables intuitive, fast, and interactive searching and downloading from online data repositories – or your own data.  QTM v8.4.0 also includes layer tree export to KMZ (Google Earth), upgrades to our HLZ tool, the ability to create your own stencils, search tool upgrades, a new hillshade lighting tool, and much more!  Download Release Notes

QT Data Explorer

QT Data Explorer revolutionizes the search for online geospatial data by delivering a simple, yet powerful tool to interact with STAC API data repositories. Simply connect to a STAC API repository (e.g., Microsoft Planetary Computer), draw an Area of Interest on an interactive map, then start exploring the data that is available. You can discover unlimited types of data – LiDAR point clouds/DSM’s, color imagery, vectors, Landsat imagery, etc., sift through it, then download what you need, load it into QTM, and start working with it!

Export Layer Tree to KMZ

QTM’s new export layer tree to KMZ function exports all layer tree content into a single KMZ file that can be opened in Google Earth – or any software that can read KMZ. This can condense work that you’ve done in QTM (markers, routes, annotations, bookmarks, stencils) in a very compact format. Note: 3D data and textures are not included in this KMZ export, but can be exported independently in many formats.

Multidirectional Hillshade

QT Modeler’s Multi Directional Hillshade enables the activating and setting of, three additional lighting sources to the main directional lighting. This allows for a fuller shading component to the visualization of your surface model data.

Annotation Upgrades – Make Your Own Stencils

Stencils can now remember and honor color values, and you can create your own! Simply right click on any vector, Export > Save as Stencil. Then select that stencil whenever you need it in the future. This will make it much faster to create and reuse common vectors such as multi-color range rings.

Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ)

We have added the number one requested HLZ upgrade: the ability to save/reload HLZ Presets. The HLZ upgrade in QTM v832 provided many more user settings, so users wanted an easy way to remember and reload those settings. There are several buttons at the top of the HLZ tool to facilitate this. In addition, HLZ now automatically creates a new Vertex Color layer every time the analysis is run (rather than overwriting).

Terrain X

Terrain-X, the tool that is used to mark local slopes and headings (very useful in annotating an HLZ), has gotten a cosmetic refresh. The lines and arrowheads are thicker, labels have caption offsets, and the primary arrow now will always point “downslope”.

Model Search

Model Search now has a few more search parameters and capabilities:

  • Inverse search (everything *outside* search area)
  • Search Quadrants (search NE, SE, SW, or NW quadrants individually if desired)
  • Added context menu option to remove items from list

QT Modeler v8.3.1 is available!

Applied Imagery is pleased to announce the release of QT Modeler v8.3.1.  We have added one big new tool, the Tiling Toolkit, and significantly enhanced a few popular “bread and butter” tools – Raster and Vector Line of Sight, Range Rings – per user requests.  We’ve also updated the GDAL libraries and added support for a promising new point cloud format, COPC LAZ.

QT Modeler v8.3.0 is Available!

Applied Imagery is pleased to announce the release of QT Modeler v8.3.0.   This release will fundamentally alter users’ interaction with their 3D data – i.e., point clouds and surface models (DEMs, DTMs, etc.).  The Point Cloud Toolkit and the DEM Toolkit will likely become users’ preferred way to preview data, understand coverage, density, and elevation, then carve out just the required pieces – regardless of the size of the file or collection.  In addition, we have completely revamped movie making, added a Route Time Analysis tool, tweaked markers, optimized 2D texture streaming for large areas, and much more!  Download Release Notes

QTM v8.2.3 is Available!

Applied Imagery is pleased to announce the release of QT Modeler v8.2.2 & v8.2.3. These releases add a potentially game‐changing tool – the DEM Customization Toolkit – as well as a total revamp of the layer tree, and upgrades to many other tools.

New Tutorials Available

We have just posted 4 new tutorial videos. The first is an overview tutorial on QTM’s Above Ground Level (AGL) analyst. This is a very useful, multi-purpose tool that can generate bare earth as well as tag every point with an AGL value and remove points based on that value (i.e., “peel back” foliage in rugged terrain). The other three tutorials offer a 3-part overview of QT Modeler in the context of photogrammetric UAS (drone) surveys. Enjoy!

QT Modeler v8.1.0 is Ready!

Applied Imagery is pleased to announce the release of QT Modeler v8.1.0.  This is a huge release for us, adding some extremely powerful point cloud classification and feature extraction tools, totally revamping how textures (2D Imagery files) are loaded, and upgrading the interfaces of any tool that has a palette in it (e.g., height color, slope analysis).   DoD users will like the new GRG tool.  Watch the video for more info!

QT Modeler v8.0.7.2 is Available

Quick Terrain Modeler version is now available.  New features include an enhanced Point Finder, virtual grid lines overlay, and other enhancements.  Please contact Duane Snyder at (301) 589-4446 or dsnyder@appliedimagery.com to upgrade.