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Applied Imagery is pleased to announce the release of QT Modeler v8.4.2, which adds support for Web Coverage Services (WCS), our most-requested editing enhancements, revamped Vector Actions tool, and expanded Vectorization Toolkit. For our DoD users, QTM v8.4.2 offers STAC API access to GRID, a revised ATAK export capability (including export to data packages), enhanced route time analysis tool, larger OBJ and Stencil libraries, and support for multiple layers from the Maxar G-EGD (Digital Globe) WMS server. Read on for more details!

Support for WCS (Web Coverage Service) – Create DEMs from Online Repositories

QTM v8.4.2 is our first cut at Web Coverage Services (WCS). This new tool taps into the vast repositories of 3D elevation data that exists on the internet and offers users easy access to elevation data in locations where they have no coverage – or as a comparison to existing coverage. We have initially added this in the DEM toolkit, as the workflow is very similar to the existing DEM toolkit. I.e., point to source data, specify parameters of the desired export product (grid sampling, merging, etc.), then let QTM process and import to the 3D scene. The only difference is that, rather than pointing to local source data files, you will specify an online WCS Source and Layer.

Vector Actions – More Powerful Editing from Vector Layers

QTM v8.4.2 completely revamps the Vector Actions tool, which enables large-scale editing functions across entire 3D scenes. A common scenario will be importing a shapefile layer from a GIS application (e.g., a water body layer) and using the complex vector to edit every single polygon area at once (e.g., recolor, reclassify, flatten). Another common scenario will be to perform the same types of large-scale feature-level edits on vector layers derived from QTM’s vectorization toolkit. Either way, this is a very simple, customizable, and powerful tool to act upon your 3D data. V8.4.2 also adds the ability to mark each feature with a marker (“Feature Markers” in right click context menu) as well as the ability to sample area stats into new feature attributes on a per-feature basis (e.g., number of points, Z min, Z max, etc. inside every polygon contained in a vector).

Vectorization Toolkit

QT Modeler’s Vectorization Toolkit automatically creates vectors around user-defined areas in a point cloud or surface model. It operates on point or vertex level attributes, such as classification, line of sight, etc. and converts point or raster-based “pixels” into vectorized polygons. QTM v8.4.2 automatically appends four attribute values to each resulting vector: Points, perimeter, area, and ratio of perimeter to area. With these new features, the vectorization toolkit becomes a building block for powerful filtering and editing tools.

Editing Enhancements – Multi-select and Undo – More Editing Flexibility:

QT Modeler v8.4.2 offers the two most requested editing functions:

  • Multi-select enables the temporary grouping of items together (e.g., markers and range rings), then permits lateral movement and rotation of those items. To select, place a selection area around the items in the 3D scene and type SHIFT-K. Items will be highlighted. Now simply move as you would normally – K-Drag to move laterally, K-Right Click and drag to rotate. Delete to delete the selected items. Type Escape or Cancel to exit multi-select mode. Unchecking an item in the layer tree will exempt it from the multi-select mode.
  • Undo offers the ability to undo many edits that were previously unavailable for undoing: marker move/delete/rename/resequence, vector move/rotate/node edit/delete, and route node editing and deletion. Simply type “CTRL-Z” or use the UNDO button to undo various editing actions.

Access GRID via QTM’s Data Explorer (STAC API)

For Applied Imagery Government and DoD users, QTM v8.4.2 adds a new and important data source to the Data Explorer: GRID (NGA’s Geospatial Repository and Data Management System). Simply select GRID pull down the STAC server pulldown and discover/download GRID’s data exactly as you would for any other source. This new feature relies on STAC (Spatio-Temporal Asset Catalog) API. Note: You will need to log in to GRID via your browser prior to accessing GRID data via QT Data Explorer.

Export to ATAK – Export Data Packages/Mission Packages

QTM now exports to ATAK Data Package (also known as Mission Package) format. The same QTM workflow applies – i.e., use the layer tree to control which items get exported, choose a mission name upon export, etc. But now users have a choice of the “traditional” QTM export that exports many files in the ATAK folder hierarchy (grg, imagery, and overlays folders), or the new data package format in which all items are zipped into a single data package file. Copy the new data package into the devicename\atak\tools\datapackage folder. Open ATAK and navigate to the Tools Menu > Data Packages.


In addition, users can now specify a maximum Streamed Image File Size from 50MB to 1GB, thus controlling the resolution and file sizes exported to ATAK. Larger file size means better resolution and smaller file sizes mean worse resolution.

Route Time Analysis – Calculate Fuel Consumption

QTM’s route time analysis tool adds a new section for fuel consumption analysis. It operates on the exported route segments. Users enter estimated fuel consumption in MPG as well as estimated idle fuel consumption. QTM tallies it all up and provides a summary table. There is a separate tab for calculating fuel consumption for an entire convoy.

Web Mapping Server (WMS) Upgrades

QTM’s revamped WMS tool adds significant new resources for DoD users. There is a new pulldown menu to select imagery “Profiles” where available. This means DoD users can now select between Currency, Cloud Cover, Most Aesthetic, and many other layers that are available on Maxar’s G-EGD (aka “Digital Globe”) WMS server:


  • Fixed “Import WMS/WMTS” button
  • Added “Import Link” button.
  • Can now support things like WCS.
  • Added ability to edit Server Names
  • Can remember separate user/password/connect_id settings for different WMS sources ∙ Separate dialog to define/edit credentials
  • Can extract WMS Capabilities for a particular user/pw/connectID (uses JSON instead of XML as service descriptor)