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January 6, 2015:  Quick Terrain Modeler Version 8.0.4 is now Available!  With v8.0.4, Applied Imagery continues to enhance our users’ workflows by accelerating common tasks, adding analytical tools, and, in general, making life easier:

Digital Elevation Models (DEM’s, DSM’, etc.) will now consume 40% – 60% less memory, thus enabling analysis of even bigger areas.

We have achieved significant speed upgrades by implementing improved multithreading and other techniques.  You will see these improvements in in commonly used tasks such as point cloud loading, Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) calculation, Line of Sight (LOS) calculation, image (texture) import, cut/crop, area statistics calculation, and many other functions.


  • Interactive Vectors:  All vectors will now be interactive in the 3D scene.  This means selecting, dragging, rotating entire vectors and/or individual nodes.
  • Flight Surfaces & Bounding Boxes:  Entirely new tools that will enable users to define rectangles and visualize “flight surfaces” for a more comprehensive HLZ/LZ flight planning experience, as well as easy identification of obstructions to aircraft approach.
  • Route Planning Revamped:  Route planning will be much simpler and will no longer display markers at every turn point.  Now you will simply create a measurement line, edit the line, then convert to a “QT Route” – no confusion about what markers belong to what route.
  • Distances in meters and heights in feet – at the same time!:  By user demand, measurements can now be made in separate units for vertical and horizontal objects.  For example, a route could be measured in the 3D scene and the distance would display in meters, but vertical change would display in feet.

Please read our “What’s New in Quick Terrain Modeler” information sheet or Watch the What’s New v8.0.4 Video for more details.  As always, we appreciate all of your feedback and suggestions.  Please keep the great ideas coming!